Modern Letterpress Workshop ~ Thursday 16th May 5-7pm
Learn the art of letterpress, printing your own artwork with an impression using our vintage presses - Lily & Len (the original Little Press). Letterpress is the process used by our studio to create artwork from hand drawn designs, that you can feel under your fingertips, pressed into the page.
Take home:
- a set of prints with your own artwork (if you choose this option) or artwork from our workshop collection
- explore ink mixing, setting up the press, the importance of registering the paper, and creating overprints
- learn how these old machines work and how you are able to create your own printing plates from your artwork
Please note, artwork for the upgrade option will need to be received by 5th May 5pm!! to have time to be made into a printing plate, ready for you to use at the workshop. If there's not enough time before the workshop please choose the standard option. Artwork can be a poem, (words typed out in black in a word doc for example), a line drawing works really well, hand lettering, or more complex mini art.
Artwork needs to be maximum 5cm x 5cm, and fit inside that square boundary, 100% black as a PDF or EPS vector file ideally, otherwise a jpeg file will work too, although it's not as crisp as a vector.
Thursday 16th May 5-7pm
We are located on the main street of Margaret River, with wonderful restaurants and cool bars just meters away! Free street parking is available.
Emily is the founder of The Little Press - a business that has been her full time job, bloomed from taking a basic letterpress workshop many years ago! With over a decade of letterpress experience she will share her wisdom on printmaking with this technique.